Seven questions for Team EMEA
After about 3 weeks of not seeing any of my colleagues in April 2020, and not knowing when we’d be going back to the office, I thought I’d check in with some of them.
I recorded the zoom calls, asking them seven questions, which I then put into the following videos, and shared with the team once they were done.
Question 1: What’s your favourite new show, podcast, film, book etc that you’ve discovered since lockdown?
Question 2: What do you miss about office life?
Question 3: When did you last have a haircut?
Question 4: What are you looking forward to most after isolation?
Question 5: Which one of the Tiger King husbands would you go for?
Question 6: To the nearest roll… how many loo rolls do you currently have?
Question 7: What are you thankful for?