This Girl Can - Sport England
Sport England’s This Girl Can campaign encouraged women who'd stopped being active, to start again and give it another go. Their challenge to us was, how do you reach women who had stopped exercising?
At Spotify, we could target listeners by the name of the playlist they were listening to… ‘My cooking evening’, ‘Running motivation’, ‘Driving classics’, etc. Want to target people cooking? Just target the playlists they labelled as cooking…
But for this, simply reaching ‘workout’ playlists wasn’t going to work. We needed to reach people who had stopped listening to these playlists.
For the first time ever, we reverse-engineered Spotify’s ad-targeting so that This Girl Can adverts could be delivered to women who hadn't listened to their workout playlists in the past thirty days.
The activity reached more than a quarter of a million women across the UK who'd taken time off physical activity.
5x our engagement benchmarks.
49% took action as a result of seeing the campaign.
Gold Winner of “Best Use of Audio” and nominated for “Best Use of Data” at Media Week Awards.
Winner of the Targeting Excellence category at Campaign Magazine’s Marketing New Thinking Awards.
Video credit: FCB Inferno